
Why Do I Need a Lawyer for Conveyancing?

In BC you need a Lawyer (who is also a Notary Public) if you are doing a real estate transaction, buying or selling property, getting a mortgage or secured line of credit, and/or making changes to the ownership and title of a property. The Lawyer will do the required legal work on your behalf. This is called Conveyancing. Conveyancing is legally transferring property and the title to a property (and/or mortgages and/or liens) from one property owner to another property owner. In order to do the conveyancing, you will need some legal assistance and Notaries are specially trained and experienced at handling these transactions for you whether your are the Buyer, Seller, Borrower or Lender. The idea behind conveyancing is simple, but the actual practice [...]

What Is a Representation Agreement and Why Would I Need One?

In British Columbia, a Representation Agreement (“RA”) is a legal document that allows you to appoint someone or several persons to make certain health and personal care decisions for you in the event that you are unable to do so. Different Canadian provinces handle this differently, so we’re talking only about how it works in British Columbia. The RA relates to health and personal care but, technically, there are two types of RAs: a Section 7 agreement and a Section 9 agreement. The main difference between the Section 7 RA and the Section 9 RA has to do with the capability requirements. A Section 9 RA is for someone whose is capable of understanding the nature and consequence of entering into a Section 9 RA, [...]

What is Real Estate Conveyancing?

What does real estate conveyancing mean? In law, or at least in law that is derived from English Common Law—like in the US and Canada (except for Quebec)—conveyancing is a term that means two things: it can mean the process of transferring the legal title of real property or it can mean adding some kind of encumbrance (like a mortgage) to a property title. For practical purposes, and the purposes of this article, we’ll assume it means transferring a property’s title from one owner to another owner, typically through the sale of the property. The principle behind real estate conveyancing is simple. One person or group has title to some property, and that title is then transferred to some other person or group of individuals. [...]

By |October 15th, 2019|0 Comments

What does a Notary Public do?

A one point in their lives, most people will require the services of a Notary Public. Notary Publics in British Columbia are legal professional empowered to provide all manner of non-contentious legal services to the public, including (but not limited to) residential and real estate transactions, mortgages, preparing Wills, Powers of Attorney, Representation Agreements, Statutory declarations and certified true copies. British Columbia Notaries are proud members of a select group of professionals commissioned by the Supreme Court of British Columbia. These unique legal advisors are highly trained in the provision of numerous non contentious services, including land law and all important personal planning tools available to the people of our province-Wills, Powers of Attorney Representation Agreements and Advance Directives. According to the Society of [...]

By |May 29th, 2019|0 Comments

Goddyn Notary Legal Services makes significant charity pledge

"Success is best when shared" - J. Amber Goddyn truly believes this. In January 2019 J. Amber Goddyn, the founder of Goddyn Legal Notary Services, decided to give back the White Rock community that has supported her practice and flourished since 1984. "To celebrate my 35 years of business in the community, I have made the commitment to donate $5,000 among four charities of my choice by the end of the year," wrote J. Amber Goddyn in an email to her client list. In addition, further donations will be made from the fees from each file in 2019 (to a maximum of ten thousand dollars)" said Goddyn. The client becomes a participant by choosing where Goddyn should send the money. Goddyn considers herself fortunate [...]

By |May 29th, 2019|0 Comments

At dks Legal & Notary Services, we are a support team that works with individuals, businesses, and families to navigate varying legal and notarial matters, making sure everything is done right the first time.


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